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Szybka Kultura Miejska, czyli kwadraty do trójmiejskiej kultury.

Last activity

8 years ago

added the “Kortez – Koncert Na Kulturalnej Plaży Trójki” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Cud Nad Martwą Wisłą” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Całoczerwone – Spektakl Teatru Boto” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Dolne Miasto na Żywo: Asia i Koty” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “6. urodziny VHS HELL” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Nocny Targ #3” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Kraftwerk 3-D” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Gdańsk Tattoo Konwent 2016” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “Daniel Koniusz Doublespeak” event to favourites.

8 years ago

added the “13 Fląder Festiwal” event to favourites.