Stacja Sopot
Vibrant bistro just a few steps from the main tourist trail. Authentic and simple food, served in a very attractive form, original design and a laid back atmosphere. Fresh fish, meat sous vide, vegetarian dishes, Polish dumplings, excellent selection of beers and wines.
Sopot, Jagiełły 3/1
Get a free ride with myTaxi! Check on the map Open in Google Maps Check on jakdojade.plMonday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
Tuesday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
Wednesday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
Thursday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
Friday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
Saturday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
Sunday | 12:00pm – 11:45pm |
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