Playground Cafe
This is a good spot to start an interesting evening over a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, tea or a glass of beer. They also serve cakes and offer over 40 board and card games to play. Customers will find it comfortable with their cool folding tables and great light.
Gdynia, Świętojańska 23
Get a free ride with myTaxi! Check on the map Open in Google Maps Check on jakdojade.plMonday | 11:00am – 9:00pm |
Tuesday | 11:00am – 9:00pm |
Wednesday | 11:00am – 9:00pm |
Thursday | 11:00am – 9:00pm |
Friday | 11:00am – 10:00pm |
Saturday | 11:00am – 10:00pm |
Sunday | 11:00am – 8:00pm |
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