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Chaos Theory, vol. 8 with Violent

About this event

Teoria Chaosu i Carpenter inn mają zaszczyt zaprosić na kolejną edycje “bassu electro i techno” w centrum starego miasta. Naszym gościem z w-wa będzie :


Plus reprezentacja Olsztyna :

  • Clicktime (Night Rabbit)
  • Pandoro
  • Crane
  • Diamonddemon
  • The Mims


Irish Pub Carpenter Inn


5 Apr 2015, 9:30pm

Entrance Fee

10 zł


69 0 Report


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2 Irish Pub Carpenter Inn Pub

Olsztyn, Targ Rybny 10

One of the most popular pubs in town. Very British look and feel with entrance through a red telephone booth. Famous for its relaxed character and insane parties. Choice of beverages, broad menu, fine coffee and mulled wine and beer. Real Guiness and range of Irish Whiskeys on offer.

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