This is where one can move back to the communist times. On Wednesday and Sunday they host karaoke and other days are dedicated to the music of 60’, 70’, 80’s. The venue is full of communist gadgets and bartenders serve drinks in oldschool jars.
Cracow, Tomasza 4
Get a free ride with myTaxi! Check on the map Open in Google Maps Check on jakdojade.plMonday | 5:00pm – 4:00am |
Tuesday | 5:00pm – 4:00am |
Wednesday | 5:00pm – 4:00am |
Thursday | 5:00pm – 4:00am |
Friday | 6:00pm – 5:00am |
Saturday | 6:00pm – 5:00am |
Sunday | 6:00pm – 4:00am |
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