Places Log in Choose city: Cracow



About this place

An exeptional establishment with italian-american spirit in the heart of historical and beautiful part of Cracow. They serve the best and the biggest pizza pies and delicious macaroni cheese. Free delivery (+48 510 510 924). More at:


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Olka Zajk (:

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Anna Rynkiewicz

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Hubert Bolesta

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Marcin Zywert

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Anna Gwiżdż

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Aleksandra Bartuś

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Andrzej Dzienia

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Marta Chwiejczak

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Artur Kluczewski

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Asia Naumowicz

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Natalia Kluzek a pizze zjem z Waszą największą fanka Monika Mierzejewska!

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Natalia Starzec

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Elżbieta Dulian <3

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Klaudia Podolska ;]

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Magda Mirska

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Patryk Trela lalala :)

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Mateusz Kijewski

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